Tuesday, September 28, 2010 //
0 screams
I prayed that our conversation will not fade away..and also..not lessen. will it come true?
Monday, September 27, 2010 //
0 screams
Thank you dardar for a wonderful Sunday(:
Spent the whole entire Sunday with me! hehe...though it was a simple dating..but it was stil as sweet as ever!
However, I'm also sorry that I'd turned out to be in a "serious" condition whereby my hands and feet were cold. Stomache, but it doesn't really seemed to bee a normal one. I don't know either :(
Well, I was really happy that dardar choose time out to be with me even though he is working for almost EVERYDAY! and also, despite being tired, he still accompanied me(:
Hehe...and thank you for that lovely sunflower.. 2nd one people! hehehe
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 //
0 screams
I can feel that something isn't right with you...but I just don't know what exactly was it!! I hope you could tell me what's troubling you, but it seemed like you'd rather keep it to yourself or...tell me nothing. However, when you told me "nothing's wrong", or "I'm fine"...something just strike through my heart. Painfully! It felt as if, I no longer lives in your heart and you don't take me as your dear dear anymore. It really hurts alot, and I don't know why. When you told me you're sorry of your long-winded nagging and everything, telling me you're sorry for those ignorance, I told you "It's okay!" And seriously, I mean it!!
Sometimes, I just don't know. A little thing that you had done, will cause a great hurt to me or...a little thing that you had done, will make me feel very happy. Sometimes I cried when I thought of what you said. Sometimes, those negative things you told me, just flashed back. Tears started rolling...don't know why too :(
When I received msges containing one or 2 sentences, my heart sore! I never had this kind of feelings before~ seriously!! I'm used to your nagging...so please do not stop. NEVER do I feel that you're irritating, my boy! I just feel love~ (:
Remember once I told you, "If you're tired of me, tell me" ???
I prayed hard everyday, that I won't hear these things from you, really! Everyday when we're msging one another, I'm scared to receive msg that says "I'm tired of you already"! However, so far so good!! You said your restriction towards me (junk food and drink) was changing me...however, I do not feel that, and in fact, I'm willing to change for you!!! Please do not feel that it is ridiculous for a BF to restrict his GF...because I don't feel it this way. I know you're concern about my health, because my health isn't good. I thank you for that (:
Dardar, I hope you could remember this post. What ever I wanna tell you, it's all here(:
Thank you! and ILY!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 //
1 screams
went out WHOLE DAY with dardar today~ Celebrating our 3rd month together..Hmm~ actually it's belated (exact date is on the 6th) due to UTs', therefore we postponed it.
Well, celebration was a simple one. AND of cause, i didn't expect a grand one because I don't like it too~!
Dardar came to meet me underneath my block and along came a SUNFLOWER, with him! so sweet~!!

headed to tampines to catch a movie~ then headed down to pasir ris for our BUFFET! hehehe! So happy today(:
Thank you dardar for this memorable 3rd month celebration. I love you(:
Thursday, September 09, 2010 //
0 screams
I'm learning to swollow down every tears I have~Never to let them out again
Wednesday, September 08, 2010 //
0 screams
I also wanna tell you that I have no more tears to shed. But I couldn't do it.
Thursday, September 02, 2010 //
0 screams
OMG! I really enjoyed myself with Tan dardar today at the ZOO! Everything went smoothly..no raining..no nothing! thank God! (:
Lots of pictures were taken (not us, but the animals) LOL! Dardar came to pick me up at around 8.45am and we took bus there. Hehe!!
Today was a GREAT day after all!!
Ended our tour in the Zoo at around 1pm..and headed home. Slacked abit, then dardar walked me home and bused back himself. THANK YOU TAN DARDAR FOR TODAY!!! I REALLY ENJOYED MYSELF IN THE ZOO AS WELL AS I'M WITH YOU! hehe..anyway, don't apologise for the limited time you had with me. I'm fine(: The timing for today was enough..so long as it is 1 hour or less, with you, I'm fine already(:
Last but not least...THANK YOU!
And we have one more day (tomorrow)
Go where?
What to wear?
What colour?