Ah! Finally it's gonna be Tuesday tomorrow! I can't wait any longer! I've got micro-organisms all over me, and I'm really really rotting!!! Basically, I'm having combined sciences MCQs paper 1 tomorrow, and I haven't been studying at all. After tomorrow, I'll eventually start to rot again. No papers on Wednesday & Thursday..Marking day on Friday. So? ROT ROT ROT!!! Father promised to take me and mom for fishing on Thursday. YES! FINALLY YEA!!! gonna fish fish fish luh!!! IDA really hates the Internet now..it's really frustrating and irritating! Kept on disconnecting..IRRITATING!!!!
Shit! I'm seriously addicted for movies..can't wait to catch any new movies released!! Unanimously, I agreed that I loved watching movies, but, it's rather sad to dump all my money into movies ticket just like that..Such a waste isn't it?? Hais~
Really hoped O level will end soon..can't wait to enjoy life!