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Monday, August 10, 2009


As usual, attended church yesterday. Had abit of celebration for national day..LOL! Well basically, I'm really very bored now! Lucky school resumes on Tuesday, if not, I'll be buried with micro-organisms! [P.S. I already have!] Anyway, returned home aftermath and...ROT! Laid on my cosy bed and, SLEPT! LOL I know! I had to admit that I'm very tired despite of the long hours of sleep(: Can't help it, I just loved sleeping!!! Hmm, mom waked me up exactly 6pm to catch the NDP telecasts on every channels! But however, she doesn't know I'm not interested in NDP at all, exceptionally for the songs. haha! So, never mind, woke and watched! Dad bought dinner back after work, and I swear, the food sucks! Can't put the blame on my father, but instead, on the cook. I bet he's eager to rush home ASAP not to miss any exciting part of the NDP! Never mind..thou shall not blame! LOL! I had a memorial, unforgettable, national day celebration this year, and that is, to STAY AT HOME!!! Of all my life of living, this is my first time of staying at home to celebrate national day, sympathetic ain't I? LOL! No date, no nothing..boring~ It's okay, I hope it shall be the first and the LAST one!!! No school tomorrow, yea! But had to mug for Tuesday's paper!

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