Wednesday, April 29, 2009 //
0 screams

After school, went to Kovan together with peckgek, to meet my mum and collect my new spects. AHHHH! Was totally shocked when the auntie said that my degrees had increased tremendously for about 200+ degrees. OMG! Well, nvm. Aftermath, taxi-ed to Tampines Mall with mum to meet my dad and sis for movies "Wolverine Origins" , left peckgek alone at Kovan, to do her shopping for pencil case. SORRY!!! But I guess she trained back to Compass to meet Jasmine. Reached Tampines and bought the tickets(: I know I know..having Chinese Mid year exam tomorrow and I'm out enjoying myself. This is NOT call enjoying, in fact, it's relaxing alright?! LOL!! Show ended around 6+ and got my dinner before taxi-ing home. Watched Tv and here I am, blogging! Prepared for tomorrow's exam, I supposed(:
andandand, I cut my nails SHORT! SO SAD!!!!!!! My beautiful nails!!! SOBSOB:( NVM, it will eventually grow back! LOL!!! OK..gonna prepare for tomorrow's exam le..byebye(:
Monday, April 27, 2009 //
0 screams
Had Chinese Oral after school. Eventually, it starts at that means we've got alot of time to grab our lunch. So the usual 3 of us, me, peckgek and zoe, went over to Vari Nice to grab our lunch. Jasmine had her N level F&N practical exam she can't turn up for her Chinese Oral and can't accompany us over for lunch. Well, nevermind(: Very few people turned up for oral, so we end off early. FYI, the Chinese Oral went smoothly for me..I am surprised that I'm not scared, neither did I have butterflies in my stomach. LOL!! Ok..studied aftermath with Peckgek until 7pm in school(: We'll be staying back to mug tomorrow too, until 7pm perhaps(: gonna rush my F&N now. byebye...
Sunday, April 26, 2009 //
0 screams
Went to church early in the morning to have my Sunday's services. All went well. Went to AMK hub again to catch the movie "17 again". At my first thought, I made up mind that the show was boring except the handsome Zac Efron. But after the show, my thoughts switched. IT WAS FABULOUS!! Zac Efron was very HANDSOME!! Aftermath, went to have Prata for my branch/dinner. After eating, shopped around AMK hub andandand bought a lot of clothes, AGAIN! LOL! Few hours passes, and I'm starting to feel nauseous! Ran errands to the toilet and IDK why too. Mum suspects that I had food poisoning. Bus-ed home and ran straight to the toilet. Diarrhea. My stomach feel bloated now, and the worst thing is that I'm having PE tomorrow! DIE!! Somemore, having Chinese Oral Exam after school, too! How????
Friday, April 24, 2009 //
0 screams
I'm tired! Thought of not blogging today because I'm tired! Well, today school ends at 12.35pm, bus-ed to Kovan with my girls and went to have Mac for lunch. Aftermath, went around Kovan for small shopping(: Bought bubble-tea and bus-ed back to school again for the witness of the Speech Day, which starts at 5 something, but had to report to school for attendance marking at 4pm. Although Sec5 is optional, but some of us decided to attend as this would be our last year in North Vista already. Most irritating is that we had to put on our TIES for the Speech Day. TIES=WARM=HOT=SWEAT=IDA HATES IT!!! Well, mostly everyone knew that I'm an "Air-conditioned" girl. Means that I'll start to sweat over little warmness. Can't stand heat? Except for Sun tanning/the sports I loved(: LOL!! OK, back to Speech Day. As usual, long winded talk from principal and other guests. Prize presentation. Small concert. Though the performances put in a lot of effort for rehearsals, but I personally thinks that their standards has dropped . Last year's performance were better!!
But afterall, everything went fine(: Train-ed home ALONE after Speech Day. And tired now! 我要睡了。晚安!
Thursday, April 23, 2009 //
0 screams
Wonder where and when was this picture taken at? It's taken today!! The 6 of us, Christine, Mingyu, Zoe, Yeowshen, Me and Zhiying, went to compass's Sakae Sushi to celebrate Christine's early birthday. Her birthday should be on next Monday, but due to all of our tight schedules, we can't make it. So, brought forward to today. Didn't see me? Of cause, I'm the one taking the photo!! LoL!! Well, had a very full meal..but I'm starting to feel hungry now! HOW?! Had a wonderful day spent at Sakae today...Must save $$ already. Tomorrow I'm attending the Speech Day. School ends at 12.35pm, no Chinese CRT. Speech Day starts at 4/5pm that means we got a lot of time to spend. So we girls decided to go Kovan to Makan Makan!!! Anyway, I'm once again very PISSED by something that one of my friend told me today! To that BITCH out there.
So what if I sings? I like! I have the ability to SING! Is it any of your fucking problem? Do you have the rights to criticized on my singing? I hear you sing, and you're never better! So this means that you don't hold the rights to criticized on my singing!! You criticized on my singing and mention to my friend that I'm not using my own voice to sing, get a life, alright? If I'm not using my own voice to sing, than how come I've got
VOICE? Please, I don't install a radio or recorder in THIS IS MY OWN VOICE!!! Since you criticized on my singing, than probably yours will be better, or even professional. Than you should go and join "Campus Superstar" and get Champion! But I supposed you will be OUT on the first round!!! Never surprise for that!!! HAHA!! Oh, and your mouth stinks, that's why so many people hated you!!! LOL!!
To readers: Sorry that I uses vulgarities. Because I'm really pissed off. Hope all of you won't mind(:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 //
0 screams
I'm seriously very disappointed in you. I blamed myself to be so stupid, so naive, so foolish. Why don't I ever realized that until today? I treated you as my friend all along, but what do I get in returned? Your lies, your hatred, your demand..your everything! WHY?! Why do I have to get all these in returned from YOU?! Can't it be more specific than these?! Can't I get something more valuable, for example friendship, rather than all these nonsensical nonsense from you?! WHY?! I finally woke up from my long dreams..because I've realized that it wasn't a dream, but a nightmare instead. I realized that i wasn't in your friends-list at all, you hasn't been treating me as your friend, but in fact, your ENEMY! I searched my mind for reasons to what you've done to me, but to no avail. I don't know why did you do that for! I don't know why would you do that! I really don't!! You hid everything from me...WHY?! When I asked, you said nothing..Well, if you happened to pass by my blog, I just hope you could tell me whatever you had hidden from me. If not, let me know whether do you want to end this "friendship" with me. Alright?!
Monday, April 20, 2009 //
0 screams
Today's lessons was fine, exceptionally, boring(: Went to have my branch after school and proceeded to search for Mr Wong, my form teacher, for my results slip!! Went high and low together with peckgek to search for him but to no avail. Than we went to look for our co-form, Mrs Low(: I'm so so so happy though I've gotten F9 and D7 for both my Combined subjects. On top of that, I got A1 for maths, C5 for both languages and B4 for F&N!!! Totally sucks I know..but I've got 22points for L1R4(: Better than SOMEONE (alska) out there!!
Well speaking of SOMEONE, I'm really PISS-ED off by that alska fact, almost everyday!!! I don't know whether alska did PISS-ED me off on purpose or IDK!! If that is what he/she/it aimed for, he did it!! To me, alska just suck to the core! Talked BAD about someone behind their back, backstabber, two-headed snake, etc.
What he/she/it did, just made me hate he/she/it MORE than usual! Don't he/she/it knows that jealousy takes over someones life? People fought over jealousy, quarrel over jealousy, and even, kill over jealousy! Just hope he/she/it ('ll) stop everything NOW before I GET ANGRY!!! (Hint: I already am!)
Saturday, April 18, 2009 //
0 screams
AHH!!! My Father is off-ed today..thought that we could go out as a family to catch a movie or something like that. But I was wrong!My Father went to have his teeth extraction..he thought 1 only, but the doctor say must pluck out 6! He was shocked!! What happened? Because he smoke too much, that's why his teeth was spoilt! Well, when he returned home, the first one to laugh at him was ME! LoL!! I called him "bo gea" (dunno how to spell) So fun you know?! Well, all of us stayed at home today, so boring!!! Didn't manage to revised my work as the weather is extremely HOT..and MAIN reason=No mood! haha(: After all, just played with my lappy and did NOTHING!
Thursday, April 16, 2009 //
0 screams
Tomorrow is Friday..No schooling for all 4Es and 5Ns because of the PTM (parent-teacher meeting). Though I don't have PTM due to special case, I still have to return to school to do my F&N! Sick!!! Somemore, I'm lack of sleep these few days..been mugging for all tests and mock exams that's happening within this particular week. So stressed up!!! Had 3 tests today and that is F&N, Physics and Social studies. What i can say is, all went well for me except physics. i don't think i will be passing my physics. Yes! I got NO PTM!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 //
0 screams
"AHHHHHH" As stated, I'm a little STRESSED right now. IN FACT, I AM VERY STRESSED!!! More tests are coming my way, blocking me from breathing. I'm having 3 tests, which are social studies, physics and F&N!! All of these tests FALLS on Thursday!! That's where all my stress started to march in to my head. Having headache almost everyday, every time, now and then... I can't seems to focus at all..had geography mock exam yesterday, and it's definitely a FLUNK for me!! I admit that it was partially my fault to study and memorise all the important points LAST MINUTE before the examination. I really forgotten about the examination until my friends refreshed my memory, also at the LAST MINUTE!! LoL!! It's international friendship day on thursday and friday..don't really know whether will I be chilling out with friends, or EMO-ing at one corner, at home! Hope it will turn out nicely(: TOODLES~
Monday, April 13, 2009 //
0 screams

Hey, I just don't really UNDERSTAND why people treat me like an IDIOT when I knew almost EVERYTHING about them inside out? Allow me to STRESSED on this alright? I'm NOT an IDIOT!! I'm just pure IDA okay?! You don't have to play "Hide and Seek" with me over things that I can predict using my OWN common sense. You don't have to lower down your volume when you speak about something that I knew well enough that I could memorise from the BACK! When you're about to speak, I will be able to tell what will the content be, how will it end up to be. I don't anyhow malign on somebody or something that I don't have evidence of. I really don't get it! When will you STOP acting like a totaly freako in front of me? When will you eventually STOP everything that makes you a total IDIOT? Ya..I used the word "IDIOT" on you,..because you're ONE!!! Please admit alright? Enough said about this. Just totally lost of words when I saw you!!! Just f*** off from my sight. THANK YOU!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009 //
0 screams
Ooo..It's Good Friday yesterday, so this means that Ida doesn't have schooling. She went for her church's easter concert, together with her mum and aunt, and the concert starts at 8PM, SHARP!! They were there sitted at around 7.15PM? SO EARLY RIGHT?! Yea..So..the concert starts at 8PM sharp!! It was fantastic, really!! Ida saw the guy she admired, performing on stage!!! HUHU!!! *shy shy*well, the concert ended at around 10+? can't remember...and of course, she headed home after that..Reached home..and what was she doing? watching Thailand's horror movie that was telecasted on channel U at 11.30PM. She realized yesterday that she was eventually afraid to watch horror movie..because she will be easily scared by the "GHOST" that suddenly popped out of nowhere!!! Once she remembered going to the cinema and catch the show "coming soon", she was just covering throughout the whole show..watched almost NOTHING!!! only the beginning and the end...LOL right? YEA!!!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009 //
0 screams
IDA JUST HATE TALKING NOW A DAYS!!!she suddenly have the urge to remain silent whenever someone asked her questions or talked to her.she just DON'T feel like TALKING!She suddenly admire people who are mute..unable to speak!SHE JUST DON'T WANT TO TALK!!!!she DISLIKE talking NOW!!!she just wanna go to the BEACH and CRY her heart out to the SEA!!!CRY whatever she wants!!! VENT whatever angers she likes!!! she just want to be ALONE!!! JUST HER ALONE UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009 //
0 screams
Ida is aching all over!! She had her NAPFA test on 5 stations today after school. It is really a difficult point of time for her because her whole body's muscles were aching after yesterdays' P.E!!! She wasn't prepared for the NAPFA test at all.. and she was eating chocolate bars before test..LOL! BOOST ENERGY!!! Well, she had her BUTT on the first station which is "Sit & Reach", next "incline pull-up", followed by "shuttle run" and "sit-ups" than ending off with "standing board jump" She was very pleased with the results she got today, thanks to her chocolate bar "MARS"!! All 4 As but 1 C..and that is her standing board jump!!! She was having difficulties for that because her knee and muscles was taking life away from her..she made her first attempt and her knee hurts!! Than V* told teacher that Ida's leg is hurting..but instead of resting, Ida insisted on making her 2ND attempt!!! AND SHE EVENTUALLY COLLAPSE after that!!! Now, her muscles were all aching like nobody's business. HEEELLLLLPPPPPP~~~
Monday, April 06, 2009 //
0 screams
ALRIGHT!! Ida had her chemistry presentation today, and she thinks that all of them screwed this presentations, including her!!! Everyone was like, don't know what goes where sort of thing.Ida put in a lot of effort to study and memorise her social studies test that were tested today, and and and, she seriously thinks that all her effort didn't went down the drain! And YEA for her!!! she knows how to do the questions, but she don't think she will pass with flying colours..=(
Sunday, April 05, 2009 //
0 screams

Ida's is freaking BORED and STRESS at the same time!!
She sat for her Chemistry and English mock papers on Saturday and she really thinks that despite of her hard time studying for the past few days, she will definitely FAIL!!
Though she mentioned that she is ready and well prepared for the papers, I began to doubt that now!! Her mind went totally blank when she steps into the hall. And she was like "WHAT THE..." when she flips over the papers.
She is struggling to study for her social studies test tomorrow, and not forgetting about her chemistry presentation that falls on the same day, too. Ida is now vexed over the problems she encountered in her family now. Parents quarrelled over some sort of...*dunno whatever thing* just now. She is just VEXED and VEXED and VEXED!!!
OH NO!! Ida is going to be sick again....she is sneezing like nobody's business now! OH SHIT!!!
Friday, April 03, 2009 //
0 screams
So STRESSED!!!Ida has been staying back in school these 2 days to mug for her upcoming chemistry mock exam that will take place TOMORROW!!She's ready and well prepared. (hope so)She's stressed over chemistry project, english project and those tests and examinations coming up. She's stressed over her mother's illness because she's sick again. Ida predicted that she'll be sick again, because it's APRIL now. Why? Because at the beginning of each month, she will be sick. Funny uh? But REAL!!She sweared that she will not go and see the doctor if she's really sick, because it's a waste of time and MONEY ($$). Having NAPFA test next tuesday..sick and tired of that. It occurs every year!! But nevermind, this will be the last year for me(: YEAH!!!okok..she have to continue with her studies blog TOMORROW!!!
Thursday, April 02, 2009 //
0 screams
....It's another boring day for Ida again!!!Exams are drawing nearer and nearer each day..and she will be having her Chemistry and English test papers on this coming Saturday. She's NOT prepared yet!! Well, school ended at 2.20pm today but instead of heading home for her usual afternoon nap, she stayed back in school together with her friends, to mug for their chemistry for the upcoming test. Ain't she a GOOD girl?! No need to mention, OF CAUSE!! (HAHA)..studied all the way till 5 something and finally rest and trained home(: After bath, she took out her chemistry and started mugging again..Robot ain't she?! NAH..just for show only...(HAHA)Ida only slept for an hour an a half yesterday night because something weird happened to her gastric, again! She turned in at 1.30am, and slept till 2am. Woken up by the pain in her gastric and she turned and roll on her bed. Headed to the toilet and vomit like nobody's business. Thought everything will turn out fine after vomitting, but she was WRONG! Everything started all over again. So there she was, turning, rolling and vomitting again, until 5 am till everything stopped!! Than, she slept from 5am to 6am, then her alarm clock woke her UP! So, conclusion, in a nutshell, she only slept for one and a half hour YESTERDAY!!! Well, she's gonna mug again later late into the night. Hope nothing will happen to her gastric again..
Wednesday, April 01, 2009 //
0 screams
Ida' really happy today!!She went home after school and taxi-ed to Tampiness Century Square together with her family for shopping and to catch the movie "Paul Blart Mall Cop". The fact that leads to her happiness is that it's been ages she last seen her mum's smile(: So she's very happy today!NEXT!!! Worst thing for today!! And that is.....There's only 12 person who watched that movie "Paul Blart Mall Cop"!! Surprisingly, INCLUDING HER FAMILY!! The show was damn funny and hilarious throughout!! Everyone laughed and laughed loudly and nobody bother to care, because there's only 12 PEOPLE in the theatre!!! LOL!!! NEXT!!! Ida's was really really really UNLUCKY today!! She was walking with her parents at the outdoor pavement, and AN/A "AEROPLANE" LANDED A SUPER WET BIG BOMB ON HER SHOULDER!!! Let me explain "Aeroplane=bird", Bomb=bird shit"She was really furious and sweared to kill that bird if she knew which one was it (because all birds look alike)!!! Was really UNLUCKY, thinking why must it be her, not her parents? HAHA(:Well, nevermind!! Afterall, she had a happy day today, though there's school tomorrow for her!!!