Woke up early in the morning and headed to school for F&N "O" level practical EXAM! I was VERY NERVOUS...yup, stressing the word "VERY"! Surprisingly, I reached school at 7.05am, the earliest day ever..LOL! Went to the practical room and started memorising everything that I need(: Exam starts at 8am SHARP! I took half an hour to think, and another 15Min to cut all my ingredients. I was the LAST to start cooking, but eventually, the FIRST to finish! YEAH!! *so happy* teacher was very pleased with my cooking and garnishing, as well as my presentation(: huhu! After practical, bused to Punngol End together with Peckgek, Zoe and Jasmine, to take some pictures..suddenly got interests in photography. As usual, we went to feed the mosquitoes!!! ohoh, then we proceeded to pasir park, but before we even start walking into the PARK, it started RAINING!! So we've got no choice but to head to Elias Mall for sheltering. Rain stopped, and we bused back to school(: Jasmine went home first. Reached school , again, and it started to RAIN heavily!! So slept in the canteen until 6pm. Zoe and Peckgek tried to wake me up for around 5min..LOL! I was tired alright?! Trained home aftermath! Anyway, this was one of the pictures that I took during the expendition to punngol park.