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Saturday, May 09, 2009

To Jasmine:
I've read both of your blogs. And you're right. Maybe I should forgive the both of you and let things pass and continue to be the closest 28.12.08 sisters, ever. Yea I agreed, everyone did have mistakes in our lives. But why start when we know we have to apologies in the end? When didn't I ever admit when I'm in the wrong? When? And you know why I've chose to forgive? It's because I don't want to be the one that causes her to hurt herself, or maybe causes her life over such a SMALL UNIMPORTANT thing. I don't want her to come crying to me for forgiveness. I don't want the whole world to come blaming me that without my forgiveness, she end her life by cutting her wrist. But don't you think using threatening to gain forgiveness is ridiculous? I know she's your 7 years best friend, and I know obviously you'll side her and show her your sympathy. Do you know only losers uses threatening to gain something that they want? I'm not trying to say that she is a looser, but I'm only trying to say only losers does that. Maybe I should, once again, give my trust to her again. But how do I guarantee whether she wouldn't spill it out again? Yesterday is not a secret. I dare to say and I dared to admit. In yesterday's messages that you've sent to me, you said you were asking and not maligning me or blaming me. But have you ever wondered the tone that you used? It's more like you've already assumed that I claimed that you copy me in buying laptop when I didn't in the first place. The tone that you used is more likely to interrogation, and not asking. Maybe you're asking, but to me, you sounded like blaming and accusing me to say that I'm saying you're copying me in every way, worst still, lines to interrogation. Why do I say that? Go refresh on the first few messages that you've sent to me yesterday. If I were you, and I sent you that, won't the feeling that you get, similar to mine? you might have the same reaction as me, or probably not. I was totally shocked and devastated when I saw those messages, thinking that why will you sent me that when I didn't even say that in the first place. perhaps you might think that there's nothing wrong in the messages, but to me? Everything.

To PeckGek:
Hey, after second thought, maybe I should forgive you and forget all these things. But please, I'm begging you this time, you're not a loser. Because only losers uses threatening to gain things that they want. I'm not trying to start the quarrelling between you and Jasmine, because I believed that we could be back in the past. Being close sisters. Just like the day when we agreed to be sworn sisters on 28.12.08. Like I've said to Jasmine previously, yesterday is not a secret, I dare to say and I dared to admit. Just a word of advice to you, some things are better not to be said out. because it will cause thing to happen like yesterday. Oh ya. you don't have to kneel down and pray or cry, plead to GOD. It's dramatic.

0 screams