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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Ida' really happy today!!
She went home after school and taxi-ed to Tampiness Century Square together with her family for shopping and to catch the movie "Paul Blart Mall Cop". The fact that leads to her happiness is that it's been ages she last seen her mum's smile(: So she's very happy today!

NEXT!!! Worst thing for today!! And that is.....There's only 12 person who watched that movie "Paul Blart Mall Cop"!! Surprisingly, INCLUDING HER FAMILY!! The show was damn funny and hilarious throughout!! Everyone laughed and laughed loudly and nobody bother to care, because there's only 12 PEOPLE in the theatre!!! LOL!!!

NEXT!!! Ida's was really really really UNLUCKY today!! She was walking with her parents at the outdoor pavement, and AN/A "AEROPLANE" LANDED A SUPER WET BIG BOMB ON HER SHOULDER!!! Let me explain "Aeroplane=bird", Bomb=bird shit"
She was really furious and sweared to kill that bird if she knew which one was it (because all birds look alike)!!! Was really UNLUCKY, thinking why must it be her, not her parents? HAHA(:
Well, nevermind!! Afterall, she had a happy day today, though there's school tomorrow for her!!!

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